There comes a time of our age when it is necessary to face one of the topics that usually generates most questions: sun protection.
The SPF, also known as the Sun Protection Factor, indicates the product’s ability to protect our skin from the damage caused by solar radiation (UVB). On the market, there are countless solar products with different SPFs and the question we wonder every year is always the same: what is the right SPF for me?
To answer this question correctly, let’s discover together what that number actually means to us and our skin.
The numbering indicates the amount of radiation filtered by the product: for instance, a product with SPF50 allows 1/50 of the solar radiation to pass, blocking 98% of it; while an SPF30 lets 1/30 to pass and stops 97%. It is also essential to know that melanin, responsible for tanning, takes a couple of days to activate. Precisely for this reason, for the first days of exposure, it is recommended a high protection to all skin types in order to avoid sunburn.
Afterwards, it is necessary to pick, according to your skin phototype, the appropriate SPF.
PHOTOTYPE I and II: characterised by very light skin and light eyes. A very high protection is recommended, SPF 50. PHOTOTYPE III: characterised by light skin and light eyes. High protection is recommended, SPF 30.
PHOTOTYPE IV: characterised by a tendency to olive complexion. Medium protection, SPF 20, is recommended. PHOTOTYPE V: characterised by a dark complexion. Low protection is recommended, SPF 15.
PHOTOTYPE VI: characterised by a black complexion and dark eyes. Low protection is recommended, SPF 10.
It is also very important to know that the quantity of product to be applied is related to the level of protection and effectiveness. Using little product means having a minor and non-homogeneous protection against UVB damage. The ideal amount for the face corresponds to a teaspoon of sunscreen for face, neck and chest and a ping-pong ball for the rest of the body.
It is recommended to also take into account that it is not only important how much, but also how.
In fact, it is necessary to reapply the product several times during the exposure because with the passage of time, with sweat and contact with water, the effectiveness of the SPF filter vanishes.
Do not worry if the SPF that is most suited to your skin type is high, we guarantee you that you will get a fabulous tan anyway!
The intensity of the tan depends on the amount of melanin that is produced by our body. Sunscreen is not an obstacle to its production, it is in fact our ally because it guarantees a lasting and homogeneous tan, avoiding dangerous sunburns with the relative damages on our skin.
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