
Skincare cosmetics




L’esposizione al sole dona molti benefici ma, il mancato utilizzo di un’adeguata protezione solare, può creare danni permanenti alla pelle e accelerare i processi di invecchiamento cutaneo.

La Collezione SUN SKINCARE mantiene l’idratazione profonda e superficiale, protegge la pelle dallo stress ossidativo e dai radicali liberi, principali cause della degenerazione cutanea e dell’invecchiamento precoce, assicurando protezione dai raggi solari.

Studiata e realizzata dal Centro Studi e Ricerche DERMO28 in collaborazione con il prestigioso Dipartimento di Dermatologia e Venereologia Dell’Università dell’Aquila, grazie alla sua particolare formula è in grado di proteggere dai raggi UV e stimolare i naturali processi fisiologici di rigenerazione cutanea.

    • SPF15 150 ML

      Spray dry oil with a medium SPF. It ensures a regenerating and stimulating action for tissues, while preventing damage caused by free radicals. It gives protection and hydration to the skin. It protects against UVA/UVB rays It fights oxidative stress It regenerates and protects the skin

    • SPF10 200 ML

      A light formulation with a low SPF. It protects the skin from damage caused by sunrays while ensuring an intense tan and leaving the skin soft, firmed and supple. It protects against UVA/UVB rays It maintains the correct level of hydration It makes the skin firm and supple

    • AFTER 200 ML

      Innovative formulation to soothe the skin after sun exposure. A quickly-absorbing cream, that leaves the skin soft, moisturised and regenerated. It restores the correct level of hydration It reduces inflammations It fights oxidative stress

    • SPF30 150 ML

      An exclusive formulation with a high SPF. It fight free radicals while guaranteeing a progressive tan, without sun burns. It gives hydration and freshness to the skin. It protects against UVA/UVB rays It prevents irritation It gives a feeling of freshness

    • SPF20 200 ML

      An innovative formulation with a medium SPF. It ensures a quick an even tan while protecting the skin against sunrays damage. It protects against UVA/UVB rays It stimulates tissues renegeneration It leaves the skin soft and supple

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