
Skincare cosmetics


Illumina Therapy

ILLUMINA THERAPY A specific Professional Experience created to light up your skin and brighten the age spots, while fighting sun damage and oxidative stress. Thanks to the synergy of active exfoliating and depigmenting ingredients, it makes your skin glowing and firm. The treatment contains natural Extracts of Liquorice and Bearberry, key active ingredients in the inhibition of tyrosinase, a process…


UNICA 360 Grad Anti-Aging-Behandlung: Die antioxidative Kraft von reinem und stabilisiertem Vitamin C, in Kombination mit Fruchtsäuren und nährendem pflanzlichen Extrakten, macht die Haut strahlender und straffer, minimiert das Auftreten von Anzeichen der Hautalterung und behandelt Falten. Are you a Beauty Centre?  Click here to get information and join our network of DERMO28 Authorized Centres. FIND THE CENTER CLOSEST TO YOU…

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